PURL to E-reserves?

Has anyone had any luck with creating links to e-reserves directly in ares?  I need a way to link to at least the E-reserve landing page from within a PDF syllabus page.  The pages are housed in Blackboard and that is the main student interface.  The issue is the Blackboard course is cloned 30 times to make seminars and each cloned e-reserves has it's own URL so I would have to have 30 different links(one each seminar) for every reserve item.  One idea was to make a single course just for E-reserves, give every student access and then make all the links to that course but that is still clunky.  I am open to any and all ideas.



  • If you are trying to link to a page within a Blackboard course you could use a Blackboard template variable to provide the specific course ID.

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  • That was what we tried first but once the course was cloned all the links broke since each seminar has its own specific course id.

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  • Alexander,

    Can you provide some more information? When you say creating links to e-reserves, do you mean to specific items, or to the Course Home screen, or to the launch link within a Learning Management system? It seems like you already abandoned the idea of a single, giant e-reserves course, but you should definitely review copyright laws and potential fees before revisiting that solution. Did you want to schedule a call and we could discuss options by phone? If so, I'll shoot you a ticket from our support@atlas-sys.com email address and get your availability.

    Training & Library Solutions Consultant, Ares Product Lead
    Atlas Systems

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  • A phone call would be outstanding, and I’ll send screen shots and a description ahead of time. Thanks so much!

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