OCLCRSC19 ILLiad breakout - Open Access discussion
During the 2019 OCLC Resource Sharing Conference in Jacksonville, there was an ILLiad breakout session.We gathered into nine specific groups to discuss pain points and visions for the future. Each group had a moderator/note taker and the notes are provided below. If you have questions about the specifics, you can comment here and/or contact the moderator.
The Open Access discussion was moderated by Dawn Mick from Iowa State University.
Way to identify OA items before getting to copyright
How to bypass rule of 5 if we can find OA items
How does a borrowing request handle Copyright Clearance vs Doc Del?
OA Addons for ILLiad? (But don’t slow down the process)
OA Button?
Could OCLC differentiate between OA Green vs. Gold in the record?
Don’t want to pay copyright clearance on OA items and want ILLiad to track this.
Instant ILL button - available from Open Access button group
Tina Baich - have they tested instant ILL with patrons? How did that go?
Route to Doc Del 1st
DOI Resolver plus OA API - should be default to web pages. Would deliver article immediately
Reverse OpenURL link to find what we already own. Clean up citations to use link resolver to find in our collections.
OA Branding for filled requests
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