Feedback Requested: Cloning photoduplication requests in the web
Something that comes up often during implementation and training is the difference between the Request Copy and Clone to Copy options on the web. When a patron views the details of their request, they typically have the Clone to Copy option. However, when the request is in an active status such as Item on Hold or Item Checked Out, they also have the Request Copy option. Clone to Copy always creates a new request with a new transaction number, while Request Copy allows the patron to add duplication information to an existing request and resubmit without creating a new transaction.
Here are how the options display (above the details table):
As we work to redesign and streamline the Aeon webpages for the next release, the Product Team would like feedback on:
- how you and your patrons use the cloning options in the web
- whether your institution has removed either option from the web
- whether including both options cause confusion
- whether patrons use the cloning options at all
If we were to remove the Request Copy functionality from the Aeon webpages, would that cause a problem at your institution?
Thank you in advance for your feedback. Please comment below if you have any comments or questions or email me directly at
Our patrons do use both Request Copy and Clone to Copy. Staff often instruct patrons in the reading room to use the Request Copy option to make photoduplication requests.
We have never changed the labels for these options from the defaults, but our users do not find the word "clone" to be intuitive and we are considering changing it.
Would it be possible to hide the Clone to Copy option whenever the Request Copy option is available? For example, when a transaction is at the Item Checked Out status, only the Request Copy option would be present. It seems like it would be rare that a user would want to Clone to Copy at that point and if she did, she could use the Clone option and then Switch to Photoduplication.
I think most of our users do not understand the difference between the two options, and our staff often initialize duplication orders internally as a result. So making it more streamlined would be helpful. For example, hiding the 'clone to copy' option if 'Request Copy' is available. I agree that clone isn't necessarily intuitive language, but we haven't come up with a better solution than the default.
We never changed the labels from "clone" either and it does create quite a bit of confusion. For the most part the staff fix whatever inconsistencies or mistakes occur due to this misunderstanding internally. If we could think of better language we would have already changed the "clone" language.
Hiding the "clone to copy" option once in an active request would be an improvement and solve much confusion on the part of the patron. They don't understand why both are there and what the difference would be when all they want to do is request copies of the item they have checked out.
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