Aeon in Focus - Scheduled Date with time functionality feedback
As a continuation of the conversation begun during the Aeon in Focus webinar on 12/12/18, we are seeking feedback from the Aeon community regarding Scheduled Date functionality.
Main questions:
- Should we include options for scheduling appointments?
- Should the ScheduleDate to default the current date/time in the web and/or in the client
- Should we populate the current date in Scheduled Date field in the web (patrons can use the calendar button to change the date)?
- Do you find it difficult to use the Scheduled Date field in the client due to the date/time functionality?
Feedback from webinar:
- most sites would prefer for the schedule date NOT to populate with the current date on the web form, but an perhaps we could add an option next to the field called "Today" that a patron could click to populate the current date. The calendar function would remain for choosing future dates. The main hesitation is the suspicion that if the scheduled date autopopulates, users may not change the date and could submit requests with incorrect intended dates of use.
- Of the feedback receive, 4 attendees do not want the date to be cloned on a cloned request; 1 attendee does want to clone the date on the original request
- Consider adding functionality like the "Request For" feature, where the scheduled date could persist and auto-populate if the user makes multiple requests in one web session
- Most attendees agreed the time field in the client is frustrating/annoying
- Consider adding the option to blackout times when the Reading Room is not open (middle of the night, for example)
- Sites would like the option to "batch update" scheduled date (and other fields). Use case: a patron schedules several requests for tomorrow, but is not able to make it and asks you to hold their materials or change their appointment to a later date. This could be done in batch from the client.
Please add additional questions or comments below. As the development process continues for this feature, we will update this post or ask additional questions. Thank you in advance for your feedback!
I received additional feedback from some of our users who were not able to attend the webinar and they re-iterated support for some of the ideas above, namely:
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