Is it possible to display "Reason for cancellation" in the web request list when Request Status is "Cancelled"?

It took two hours for the email notice with "reason for cancellation" to reach a researhcer (likely a system problem at her university) and all she saw when she clicked "All requests" in the left-hand menu in order to see why she hadn't gotten her item was "Cancelled by Staff."

She resubmitted the request with the note "Why was this request cancelled?" (Hooray for her knowing to add a note!). If she could have seen "Reason for cancellation" in the column next to "Request status" that would have been perfect. (In this case "Item on exhibition" was the reason).

We showed her that clicking "View Notifications" would have shown her the text of the email, with reason for cancellation, but there's no way for her to have known there was a new notification (or is there, and we just don't have that option set up?).





  • Official comment

    Hi Erin,

    Yes, a column could be added to any Aeon requests table that would display Reason For Cancellation and/or Cancellation Note.  I'd be happy to further assist with this modification to your Aeon web pages if you would like.

    As for request notifications, users should typically get email notifications in a timely manner, but as you have seen those can be delayed for a variety or reasons.  They can also check the View Notifications link in the web interface as you mentioned.  Users can also opt to subscribe to RSS feeds and receive all new notifications as an RSS feed to their email or RSS reader.  Here is a link for additional details on notifications:




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  • Great! Thanks. We'll in touch about that. 


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