URGENT Action Required for Atlas Hosted Customers using SendGrid email option

Atlas Systems Hosting Services offers SendGrid (a third party provider) to support email services for those institutions choosing not to use local SMTP for sending of Aeon, Ares, ILLiad email notifications. SendGrid recently started enforcing Sender Verification and due to a combination of circumstances, Atlas Systems was unaware of the impending changes within SendGrid until we began investigating customer reports of failed emails. We apologize for any possible service disruptions and are working as quickly as we can to provide hosted customers with information needed for local IT teams to enable Sender Verification. 

Please watch for an email from Atlas Systems Support that will contain a link to a SendGrid web page with custom values for your site specifying DKIM CNAME records that your IT team will need to enter into your DNS provider. Please forward that information to them with an urgent request for attention. The custom entries we’ll supply to you for SendGrid are based on the “emailfrom” entries you are using in the Customization Manager. Once DKIM CNAME entries are complete, you’ll be able to click “Done” on that page and we ask that you reply to the email from Atlas to let us know so we can verify SendGrid has accepted the entries and we will also run a script to resend any failed emails that you may have due to the disruption.

Some hosted customers are already experiencing failed emails but others have not yet been affected as SendGrid is rolling out changes over time. 

More information is available at https://support.sendgrid.com/hc/en-us/articles/4408024201627-Use-a-Custom-DKIM-Selector-for-Authenticating-a-Single-Domain-on-Multiple-Accounts

Please let us know if you have any questions.




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