The Tree and Ordered Records

The Tree

The structure that unites resources and archival objects into the archival hierarchy.

Please note that are are some depreciated tree endpoints as of this presentation, I am using the newer ones

Explore the Morris Canal Collection tree



These demonstrations used the tree endpoints, such as [:GET] /repositories/:repo_id/resources/:id/tree/node. Dealing with the tree endpoints is not intuitive. I consider them an intermediate-to-advanced skill in your ArchivesSpace toolbox.

By demonstrating the tree endpoints I want your takeaway to be two things, the first of which is more important:

  1. The hierarchy essential to archival description is represented in the data by this concept called a tree.
  2. There are tree endpoints, but they are not the only way to see and use tree information. Just don’t think you need to use the tree endpoints because I showed them to you in this presentation. Make a distinction between the concept of the tree versus the specific endpoints that say "tree" in them.

Here are other ways to see and use tree information, including one of my favorite endpoints ever.

Ancestor arrays in archival objects


Get the list of URIs of this published resource and all published archival objects contained within. Ordered by tree order (i.e. if you fully expanded the record tree and read from top to bottom)